Matthew Rowlings is the founder of Tropical Tree Guide, a resource designed to support tree enthusiasts, homeowners, and nurseries.
He holds a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and is an active Florida Master Gardener, having contributed over 100 volunteer hours.
Located in Central Florida (Zone 10A), Matthew has over 9 years of hands-on experience growing, propagating, and grafting more than 20 types of tropical fruit and ornamental trees on his 0.15-acre suburban lot.
Tropical Tree Guide was created with the goal of providing realistic, proven, and actionable information to help individuals successfully grow a variety of tropical trees. The information shared on the website is based on Matthew’s personal experience, discussions with fellow growers, and peer-reviewed research.
Recognizing that each individual’s growing goals and situations differ, Matthew offers consultation calls to provide personalized recommendations tailored to specific needs.