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Sponsor Spotlight: Tropical Tree Guide

Sponsor Spotlight: Tropical Tree Guide

Matthew Rowlings is the founder of Tropical Tree Guide, a resource designed to support tree enthusiasts, homeowners, and nurseries. He holds a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and is an active Florida Master Gardener, having contributed…

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Sponsor Spotlight: Backyard Mangoes

Sponsor Spotlight: Backyard Mangoes

In 2022, Backyard Mangoes embarked on a journey to share the incredible world of mangoes. Educating people about the diverse flavors and varieties of mangoes proved to be incredibly rewarding. For those who had only ever tasted store-bought mangoes,…

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Sponsor Spotlight: Truly Tropical

Sponsor Spotlight: Truly Tropical

Truly Tropical is a small family farm located in Delray Beach, Florida. The property has been a farm for nearly a century but has focused primarily on producing superior mangos since 1999. Each year, the farm adds the best…

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Sponsor Spotlight: Fruitful Trees

Sponsor Spotlight: Fruitful Trees

“Fruitful Trees with Paul Nison“ is a YouTube channel dedicated to helping people grow fruit trees using the best strategies to achieve their goals. Paul shares his knowledge through expert interviews, live Q&A sessions, and on-site visits to backyard growers,…

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